Our Early Years to Grade 2 programme is planned to develop the child’s speaking, writing, reading and numeracy skills through a play approach.
We aim to measure how the students progress in their cognitive, language, physical and motor skills using our formative and self-assessment methods. Our strategies also recognise that each learner is different, and learns in multiple ways.
Listen to stories and rhymes, Circle Time and Show & Tell helps the young learners to enhance creativity, develop their imagination, effectively communicate and strengthen oral language development.
Learning through Transdisciplinary Inquiry Unit (TIU), which uses inquiry-based learning techniques to develop students’ agency, voice and opportunities
Develop numeracy skills using Lego blocks and manipulatives to facilitate basic arithmetic
Socio-emotional learning to develop emotional and social competence
Integrate sensory experiences in children by using sensory tools in the classroom
Parachute play to aid physical and social development along with literacy and numeracy
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